ITC Roundtables
ITC has held Roundtable Meetings in various cities across the state to explore public-private partnerships (P3s) and the benefits they can provide to the state. Local leaders, state officials, and prominent members of the business industry are invited to hear a panel of ITC members discuss current and future infrastructure needs and how P3s can help meet that need. Panel speakers have included ITC Chairman Ron Simmons, former TxDOT Commissioners David Laney and Deirdre Delisi, and former Senator Florence Shapiro.
san Antonio roundtable
IBC Bank, with Executive Vice President Gerald Schwebel, hosted our San Antonio event on April 12, 2022. Speakers included Ron Simmons, David Laney, and Deirdre Delisi.
North Texas Roundtable
The North Texas Commission hosted our North Texas event, held in Frisco, on June 16th, 2022. Speakers included ITC Advisory Board member and former Senator Florence Shapiro and Senator Royce West, along with our panel speakers David Laney and Ron Simmons. Dan Lamers from the North Central Texas Council of Governments also presented on the use of P3s in regional projects.